Guest Speaker: Frances Yilana (Mason Baronet)

Frances Yilana, the Creative Director at Mason Baronet, stopped by class today to give us some tips on how to get a job in the crazy graphic design world. Frances is also responsible for Good for Grasshopper, a helpful guide for student designers.

Boxsal Picnic Baskets

  • Treat everyone above you like a potential Creative Director
  • Sometimes the job is not meant to be. (Until it is.)
  • Be likable. Have a good attitude.
  • Most people don’t make a lot of money as designers, but you get to draw for a living.
  • Love what you do and the money will follow
  • If you can afford it, wait for the right job. The first job you take will define how you work for the rest of your career.
  • At your first job: Make everyone’s job easier once you get the job
  • During the 1st year: the company is paying to train you
  • Make yourself indispensable
  • Join networks and get involved (AIGA and DSVC)
  • Be someone people want to work with
  • Ask questions
  • If Creative Director or Senior Designer are still in the office, stay. It looks good.

Skateboard Deck Design Inspiration

I’m starting to explore ideas for how I want Einstein skateboard’s identity to look. The best place to start is to look at what was already out there and decide what creative way I could channel the best designs to build a brand design for Einstein. I looked at skateboards and snowboards and compiled a few of my favorites.

I found myself being drawn to typographic designs, which makes sense with my graphic design and typography background. One company that I really enjoyed the designs of was Burton. This first design was my absolute favorite. It’s colorful and reminds me of the Festival of Color in India (Holi) because of the use of colorful pigments. I love this technique and like the idea of creating the design by hand with different materials and not doing it all on the computer.

These skateboards, as well as, the next three images are from Super Top Secret design studio.

This detail was pulled from the next group of skateboards (fourth one over). The overlapping text elements is something i’m really leaning towards for my design. The logo for Einsteins already incorporates overlapping text so this is a natural progression.

Anaglyph was the technique that inspired the Einstein logo, so it may be a good idea to channel that for the packaging as well.

The intricate nature and bright colors of these Zoo York skateboards are amazing. I also enjoy the way they incorporated the name of the company.

Awesome colors with realistic photographs. This skateboard was very unique surrounded by the heavy illustrated and crazy designs that are popular for boards.

The series of these LAB skateboard decks is great. They tell a story through the illustration.

This Dickies board reminded me of western woodcut letter posters. This is a cool way to use the vertical nature of the board.

Totally Tubular Sock Packaging!

Totally AWESOME packaging for Totally Tubular Socks! Wooo

Here are some images of my final concept for my dollar store product: socks. I’ve embraced the 1980’s through color, pattern, and hip copy. Enjoy my uber cool design.

Whisper Low Font

I’ve researched Art Deco and 1920’s type faces this week. I came across a lot of frilly, decorative fonts that are too busy for me to use (See Type Faces I’m NOT Using).  Some of these work better than others and would be alright, but I know I can find better.

Type Faces I’m NOT Using

I found all these fonts using free font websites. After realizing that all these would not work I found these out of print books of type specimens designed by Paula Scher called Beautiful Faces. These were wonderful! A gold mine for elegant 1920’s fonts.

Here is one of my favorite type specimens that I found in these books: Harpers.

These are all of the typefaces that I pulled from the Beautiful Faces book.

Type Faces I’m Thinking of Using

Skateboard Packaging Design

Nike packaging

Not that cool to me, but it does solve the problem of how to package a board with all the elements needed for the skateboard. The foam is a good way to keep everything in place and elevate the board above the other pieces.


This is a pretty nice package for the bearings. The glass is a nice way to allow the bearings to still be visible to the buyer.

Phases Packaging

This packing is very simple, just a belly band. The graphic on the belly band is nice. This solution would be alright if I decided to package the elements separately from the board.

Rebellious Reflections

This is another example of  how to package the board with all the other elements. This one uses plastic to hold the pieces in place rather than foam. The plastic looks a lot slicker, but would not be feasible for me to do a real life mock-up of plastic with molded spots for the pieces. The color scheme used for this gives the company a clean ritzy feel. I’m going for more of a concrete, grungy look.

Spitfire Wheels

These wheels have been packaged in a clever way. Only two of the wheels are seen when the packaging is closed which allows one of the sides to show how the wheels would look in action using an image of trucks. This is a great idea that would draw a buyer in. The other two wheels are conveniently held inside the rectangular box that featured the photos.

HMV Ad Redesign












HMV is a music store like Virgin Records. The assignment was to create a holiday campaign that focused on music as the gift to give this year. My concept embraced the red and color colors of the season with a revolutionary twist. The original poster (left) was being dominated by the text, so in the redesign (right) I attempted to allow more room for the image by placing the slogan all on one line. This works better for the image but the text has become too small and will need more tweaking.

The HMV bus wraps for this campaign use a peace sign placed in the campaign slogan. The peace sign hand in the original (top) was blending in too much with the bus. On the redesign (bottom), I switched the color to the beige. This works better. The HMV is too hidden on the bus and I must address this next. Possibly it could be placed on the back of the bus larger.

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